Dear all 70 Plus tournament players,
Apologies for the second email this month.
I just communicated with Shane from Rally in the Valley and he has agreed to extend registration until Monday evening for 70 plus players.
Rally in the Valley 8/23-25 Albany (If Pickleball Brackets closes registration tonight get me your teams info by early Monday evening and I’ll get it to Shane) register tonight if you can!!!!
Men 3.5 70 plus 4 teams registered
4.0 70 Plus 1 team registers (3 more would be good)
Women 3.5 70 Plus 1 team registered (3 more would be good)
4.0 70 Plus 1 team registered (3 more would be good)
Mixed 3.5 70 Plus 5 teams registered
4.0 70 Plus 2 teams registered (2 more teams would be good)
Willamette Valley Pickleball 9/13-15 Albany A US Senior Pickleball Event
Need teams in all 70 plus categories
Blue Hole Bash 9/19-22 Sequim, Washington A US Senior Pickleball event
Need teams in all 70 plus age groups
Note: Men’s Doubles 4.0 75 Plus 2 teams already registered
Mixed Doubles 4.0 75 Plus 2 teams already registered
If any of you could get teams for the Rally in the Valley in the needed categories it would demonstrate the viability of our age group goals.
We’re still working on automating our Google forms so that teams announcing their intent to register for an event if 4 teams register and individual players seeking partners will be directed to a sheet with contact info to enable pre-registration coordination.
Thanks, everyone and we’ll send out a revised tournament form poll in early September, along with instructions for new signups.
We now have eighty-five 70 plus players in our network and are already seeing increased registrations in our age brackets.
Please have any of your 70 plus player friends send me their emails to get on our network.
Bill Street