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League & Ladder Play

Image by Aleksander Saks


When offered, League Play will generally be for a set period of time ie. 6 to 8 weeks, where people sign up for the full league, play in their rated groups and statistics will be kept. The Club may offer Fall, Winter or Spring league play. LadderPlay is an informal way where people come in and out (don’t have to commit to a certain period of time) and have the chance to play people of the same rating.  


USAPA Definition of Ladder Play: Players play mostly with others of similar skill levels. Your ranking on a ladder is based upon your winning percentage (the ratio of points won to total points possible). Players will move up or down the ladder based upon their winning percentage. 


Although there are a variety of formats, we currently use ROUND ROBIN PLAY, which according to the USAPA is a structured form of play organized by skill levels. In the time allocated to each Round Robin session you will play a fixed number of games, each with a different partner and against a different pair of opponents.














Ladder Play is underway!!!

Check the courts at Carrie Blake Park for the current ladder schedule on Tuesday evenings starting at 5PM.


Here is how it will work:

  • Show up at 5PM or earlier

  • Signup to get a round-robin number.  

  • At 5:10 PM the signups will end and the group will be closed

  • Games will be to 9 or 11 depending on the turnout

  • Each game, partners and opponents will rotate

  • Club Ratings will be used

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