
The Sequim Picklers would like to send a big THANK YOU to the following who generously support the Club and the courts project.
These members contributed and agreed to let us recognize their generosity by listing their names below. There were also MANY more members who contributed but wished to remain anonymous. We thank each and every one of you!!
Christiane Johnson Honorary
Alene Somers $834
Bob Gunn $834
Cathy Hathaway $834
Charles Szumilas $834
Christy Marazon $834
Chuck Madden $834
Craig Schwandt $834
Dale Nesse $834
Dave Herndon $834
Dave Katz $834
Debbie Madden $834
Diana Herndon $834
Diane Froula $834
Dustin Curb $834
Erv Ruhl $834
Jay Marazon $834
Kathy Benedict $834
Ken Sorbel $834
Kendal Wake $834
Michael Cooper $834
Michael Joersz $834
Nita Davidson $834
Pam Katz $834
Pam Woodruff $834
Pat Joersz $834
Patricia Knapp $834
Peg Phillips $834
Phil Milliman $834
Robert Knapp $834
Robert Olson $834
Roxane Fryer $834
Sandi Gunn $834
Suchit Hart $834
Terry Pritchard $834
Arvo Johnson $500
Bertie Litchfield $500
Dave Shreffler $500
John Ramos $500
Jolanda Schlund $500
Letricia Flerchinger$500
Linda Holt $500
Lynn Pierle $500
Nicolaas Holt $500
Rob Wade $500
Katinka Nanna $5,000
Carlos $4,000
Denise $4,000
Jack $3,000
Jan $3,000
JoAnne Yerkes $2,834
Bob Sester $2,500
Charlie $2,500
Forrest Frantz $2,500
G’ $2,500
Gil Goodman $2,500
Lee Bowen $2,500
Mary Helen Benapfl $2,500
Phyllis Wenger $2,500
R’ $2,500
Richard Wenger $2,500
Ruby $2,500
Bea Albarado $1,500
Stu Sherman $1,500
Ben Sanders $1,000
Glynda Ball $1,000
Laura Edwards $1,000
Lynda Schroeder $1,000
Michael Mahakin $1,000
Richard Cary $1,000
Robert Ball $1,000
Ross Brown $1,000
Sharman Owings $1,000
Sue Mason $1,000
Virginia Mahakin $1,000
….THANK YOU to Sequim Family Advocates for sponsoring us so we can use their 501(c)3 status during our fundraising.
… THANK YOU to the City of Sequim for their contributions including a proposed site for court construction in Carrie Blake Park and 2017 Budget Plans – $51,000 toward construction!!

Clallam County Lodging Tax Advisory Committee – $34,000
Albert Haller Foundation – $10,000
Maybelle Clark Macdonald Fund – $10,000
City of Sequim Lodging Tax Advisory Committee – $10,000
Yerkes Family Fund – $7,000
First Federal Community Foundation – $5,000
Ben & Myrtle Walkling Memorial Trust – $2,000
Wallace Teal Trustee – $1,000
Olympic Medical Center Foundation – $1000
Composite Recycling Technology Center: CRTC – $1000
Sequim Sunrise Rotary – $500
Advanta Dental – $500
Sequim Lavender Growers Association – $450
Estes Builders, LLC – $400
State Farm Insurance – Sequim (Thanks Jon Jack!) – $150
Port Ludlow Pickleball Association – $100
Quileute Tribal School – $100
Plaza Jewelers – $50
Christiane Ganss Johnson, Kata Tjuta Architecture (pro bono engineering specification drawings)
Alan Millett, Attorney (pro bono legal services)
Jeanne Martin (pro bono accounting services)
Applebee’s (fundraiser)
WalMart (popcorn booth in parking lot)
Black Bear Diner (fundraiser)
Boys & Girls Club (gym use for indoor play)
Big Daddy’s Marketing (popcorn fundraiser)
Washington State Ferries (popcorn fundraiser)
The merchants / businesses listed below generously donated items for our NUMEROUS Raffles over the past 2 years:
Sequim Lavender Growers Association
Wild Birds Unlimited
Pour, Sip and Paint
Deer Park Cinema
Cole’s Jewelers
Brian’s Sporting Goods
Estes Builders
Plaza Jewelers
Sunny Farms
Pickleball.com (Thanks Jimmie Blue!!)
Les Schwab Tire Center
Here are some of the club members who donated items for raffle baskets – we know there are more – we heartily thank them too!!
Katinka Nanna
Linda Holt
Jeri Davis
Jan Tatom
Jack Tatom
Margie Rone
Kathy Mahnerd
Noreen and Henry Warwick
Stu Sherman
Bill Klover
Pamela Katz
Ruby Pugh
Rich Bemm