Court Operations Team Overview
2022/2023 Director Of Court Operations – Lettie Flerchinger
The Director of Court Operations (DOCO) sits as a voting member on the Sequim Pickler Board of Directors. This person is voted in by the membership, or a recommendation is made by the Nominating Committee to the Board for approval when there is an unexpected vacancy. The Director of Courts Operations can select an Assistant Director of Court Operations (ADOCO) to help manage the operations and support or fill in for all the activities managed by this post.
The DOCO and ADOCO are members of and are supported by an advisory committee called the Pickleball Court Operations Committee (PCOC). This spreads the strategy, planning, and decision-making to a larger group and provides a forum for the membership if they need to voice issues or concerns about court operations. This is a formal committee with a Chair, Vice Chair, regular meetings, agendas, and minutes. When necessary, items are reported to the board by the DOCO during board meetings or, in an emergency, through email.
The following activities are considered in scope for Court Operations and can be run by separate teams, reporting to the DOCO, all working within a framework established by the PCOC.
Indoor Play (B&G Club)
Outdoor Play (Carrie Blake Park Courts)
League Play (includes tracking ladder play and ratings)
Reffing (League Play/Tournaments)
Tournaments (Regional and Local)
Club Exchanges (to and from neighboring communities and clubs)
Instructional Programs (Beginners Lessons, Clinics, Kids Programs)

Pickleball Court Operations Committee (PCOC)
PCOC Charter –The PCOC is an oversight committee reporting to the Sequim Picklers Board through the Director of Court Operations (DOCO). PCOC provides continuity for court operations as the board members and DOCO change over time. Oversight and action by the committee take the burden and power away from single individuals. PCOC is an advisory group responsible for everything to do with pickleball courts and court operations, including input on court construction and maintenance as it impacts court operations. Working on behalf of the Club, we have accountability to make sure Club interests are solicited and represented in all court operations issues and decisions. We will make decisions by consensus, or when consensus cannot be reached, by motion and vote. Items of importance will be presented to the board via motion by this committee and presented by the DOCO.
CLICK HERE to see the PCOC charter and minutes [password-protected; members only]