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Volunteer Opportunities in the Club

The Sequim Picklers’ Club is growing and the opportunity to serve is growing too!  We are always seeking volunteers to assist with events, support a task, or take on a role longer term.  

'Big Thanks to our Volunteer Ambassadors:

Christine Goodson

Don Church

Gail Sumpter

Janie Dicus

Joy Jay

Sherry Gyovai

Please visit this page often to see what there is to do and how you can help! 


The Sequim Picklers have adopted the 2-mile stretch of Highway 101 between Dryke and Shore under the State’s Adopt-A-Highway Program.  Four clean-ups per year are required. Not only does this effort beautify our home, it generates goodwill for SP as the State will acknowledge our efforts with Adopt-A-Highway sponsor signs.

The Sequim Picklers extend a BIG thank you to Pamela Woodruff and Richard Cary for leading the Adopt-A-Highway clean-up crew.

Volunteers must be 15 years or older.  WDOT provides vests, bags, signs, pickup sticks, and a safety training video.  If you are interested in participating in this club-sponsored project, email and you will be added to the contact list for all future SP Adopt-A-Highway events.


Court Volunteering

We have lots of great activities planned for the entire Sequim Picklers community. We need your help to make sure things run smoothly and everyone gets to have fun.


Below are just a few areas where we could use your help and support:

Volunteer Areas
— Teaching/Coaching
— Skill assessment
— Food
— Set up and breakdown for activities and tournaments tentatively planned for this year, including:


— Sequim Fling – Jun 27 - Jun 30
— Big Dill Tournament July 27

— Blue Hole Bash – Sep 20 - Sept 22

— Referee

— Parking


Organized Play:

We can always use volunteers for the Beginning Classes on Sundays (contact Goose), as well as Ladder Play during the week (contact Lettie).


















Social Events

— Annual Meeting in June

— BBQ & Member "Get Togethers"

— ‘Fun Ambassadors’ for events



To let us know you’re available to help, drop an email to Sequim Picklers (SUBJECT LINE: COURT VOLUNTEERS). If you have a particular area of interest on this list, let us know that too. Thanks!

Board Members

Tim Williams, President

Lynda Schroeder, Vice President

Jennifer Perdue, Secretary

Katinka Nanna, Treasurer

Lettie Flerchinger, Director of Court Operations

Tanya Baumgardner,  Director of Communications

Char Reeves, Membership Chair

Pickleball Court Operations Committee (PCOC)

Lettie Flerchinger, Director of Court Operations (DOCO)

Kendal Wake, Assistant to the Director of Court Operations

Abigail Berg

Sage Chandrasoma

Rodney Diseker

Chris Jafay

Joy Jay

Sara Laughlin




© 2023 by Sequim Picklers, a 501c3 

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